Wedding Photography - Schloss Laxenburg - Cochic Photography - Hochzeitsfotografie und Porträtfotografie Wien Cochic Photography – Hochzeitsfotografie und Porträtfotografie Wien

Wedding Photography – Schloss Laxenburg

Wedding Photography – Schloss Laxenburg

In this blog post I want to show you the wedding photos of Kathi and Martin. The two pretty ones had their wedding ceremony in the church in Laxenburg and the ensuing celebration in the beautiful castle of Laxenburg.

It was an absolutely glamorous celebration in a unique ambiance, a cheerful bridal couple, good-humoured guests and extremely good and dear other service providers (which I will lead all below).



Location: Schloss Laxenburg

Wedding Photography: Andreas Kowacsik – Cochic Photography

Videographer: Frameblending

Wedding Planner: Die HochzeitsHummel

Music: Face2Face



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